
Ticket Bidding Platform

My time as a sole designer working with a team of 5 engineers

I was hired by a company to lead the design of a concert ticket bidding platform, focusing on delivering an intuitive user experience. Working closely with a team of developers, I managed the entire design process from ideation to execution. As this platform is a new idea, our goal was to make bidding for VIP front-row tickets effortless and enjoyable.





May 2024 - Aug 2024


Competitive Analysis
User Testing


How can we effectively communicate the process of bidding on front-row tickets to users?


During beta testing, 90% of users reported a highly satisfactory experience with the bidding process.
Internal testing showed a 95% success rate in users placing bids without encountering any issues.

Building a brand identity

My approach to choosing the colour palette for the project was a meticulous process. I delved into the project's core - its purpose, emotions, and aspirations. I questioned how it resonated with the emotions we aimed to evoke. Did it align with the energy of live music performances?

design system
Indigo, was the canvas on which I painted the emotional landscape of the platform. It mirrors the ambience of a dimly lit concert hall, where anticipation hangs in the air and the audience is suspended in a state of eager. It evokes the feelings of mystery, depth, and focus, akin to the heightened emotions one experiences during a live musical performances.

The choice of a dark theme as the default mode was a conscious step towards creating an atmosphere of elegance and immersion. Just as the darkness of a concert hall eliminates distractions, the dark theme on the platform allowed users to focus solely on the content at hand. It acted as a blank canvas, allowing the vibrant content and design elements to pop, creating an impactful visual contrast.

The softer glow of the content against the dark backdrop mimics the comfort of ambient lighting, enhancing the user experience and enabling prolonged engagement.
Market Research

Uncovering Insights

Before any stroke of design was applied, I embarked on a journey of market research to analyze others' strengths and weaknesses, identifying the gaps and opportunities that lay ahead.

design system
As we pioneer the path in concert bidding, it was significant to understand the dynamics of both the music industry and the digital bidding landscape. This research wasn't about imitation; it was about inspiration - about understanding what worked well and how we could leapfrog beyond the ordinary.

I studied their design elements and user flows and extracted the elements of their successes. By recognizing their strengths, we were able to build upon a foundation of what had already been validated, ensuring that our approach was grounded in practicality. While our competitors' strengths provided guidance, our mission was to carve a distinct path that would set us apart.

The goal was not to replicate but to reimagine. How could we leverage our strengths to offer a more intuitive user experience? How could we introduce novel elements that disrupted conventions?


With the insights gathered from market research and competitive analysis, I translated abstract ideas into visual narratives. These preliminary sketches captured the core user interactions, allowing me to visualise the design logic before the complexities of high-fidelity designs.

design systemdesign system
The process of creating lo-fi prototypes wasn't a solitary endeavour; it was a collaborative effort. The sketches served as conversation starters, sparking discussions that enriched the project with diverse perspectives. This collaborative spirit allowed us to identify potential hurdles early on and steer the design towards an optimal user experience.

High Fidelity Prototype

We transformed the abstract ideas into a harmonious blend of visual components and interactions, resulting in a truly immersive concert bidding experience.

design system
The hi-fi prototypes were more than static visuals; they were designed with functionality at their core. Buttons were strategically placed for ease of use, content hierarchy was fine-tuned for intuitive navigation, and the user interface was meticulously crafted to balance aesthetics with user-centered design principles. As our MVP came to life, each screen, each interaction was a chapter in the design narrative.

The MVP wasn't just a preview of what was to come, it was a testament to the months of strategic thinking, creative ideation, and user-centric design that contributed to it.

Gallery UI

We transformed the abstract ideas into a harmonious blend of visual components and interactions, resulting in a truly immersive concert bidding experience.

design systemdesign systemdesign system
Our user testing remains an ongoing work. This project isn't confined to the past tense; it continues to evolve with every user interaction. We're still in the midst of conducting new tests and gathering fresh insights.